Table of contents

Lindy Hop

If you are new to lindy hop or have not had a lot of experience yet, you are expected to start from the ‘Promenade’ course followed by the ‘Lindy Circle’, and the ‘Swing out’.  A little bit of Charleston basics and solo jazz is integrated into these courses. After completing successfully these three blocks you should be ready to join the ‘Savoy’ group (named after the most famous swing dance club in Harlem in the 1920-50s).

However, if you don’t feel quite sure you are ready to move, you can take this or that block again (maybe with different teachers).

Lindy Hop basics 1 – Promenade 

This course is for absolute beginners. You will learn basic rhythms and moves/footwork of the dance, get acquainted with the classic jazz standards we dance to, and will get ready for your first socials.

Lindy Hop basics 2 – Lindy Circle

In this course, we will give you more complex moves, more fancy turns, and combinations. If you want to join this course make sure you know 6- and 8-count basics, promenade, send out and bringing in, change places, can find the ‘1’ in music, and keep a steady rhythm.

If you have some partnered dance experience, you might consider taking this block as a first one and skipping the ‘Promenade’ (or maybe taking a private class before joining).

Lindy Hop basics 3 – Swing Out

This course is dedicated mostly to swing-outs – the core and iconic move of Lindy Hop. We will review the moves of the previous courses and give you new rhythms and variations, developing your leading-following skills.

Before joining, make sure you can differentiate between 6- and 8-count moves, know promenades and lindy circles, feel comfortable with your triple steps, and manage some basic partnered Charleston.


You can join this level after completing the basics courses and having about 8-12 months of dancing experience. Your triples are floor-connected and your bounce is steady, you are able to do swing-outs, circles, promenades, lots of 6-count moves, and some solo breakaways. We will enrich your repertoire of moves (and don’t let you forget what you have learned ) but not the complexity of them. If you are looking for a load of new figures, a relaxed atmosphere or maybe just weekly hanging out with nice people, you are in the right place. In each block you will get something new, so you can stay in this group for ages just having fun.

No audition or invitation is needed to join the group. Drop-ins are possible.

Tuxedo Junction

This group is for more ambitious improvers and regular social dancegoers. To join this group, you need to get advice from your previous teachers or pass a little ‘audition’ dancing with a teacher. If your basics are not stable, even if you took intermediate courses before, please consider taking again some of the basics courses focused on the skill you need to work on, or the ‘Savoy’group. You are welcome to ask for advice and feedback from your teachers.

We will learn more complex combinations of the known moves, clear up the basics, work on partner connection, and refine leading-following skills, including some switching exercises. Each block we will offer you a theme-based course (like ‘Connection’, ‘Rhythms’ or ’short choreos), so don’t be afraid to get bored even if you stay in this group for a long time.

Frim Fram Sauce

This group is invitational and arranged for dancers with at least 2-3 years of lindy hop experience (including social dance and self-practice) who would like to improve their dance technique and develop an individual style. Please contact us to arrange a try-out session or ask your current teachers for an invitation. Having some solo jazz experience is highly advised.

We expect you to be absolutely stable with your basics (lindy hop and charleston), be able to improvise, use different rhythms and footwork patterns, be attentive to music and partner’s dancing, switch between different tempos. We will be looking at technique, learn more complex combinations of the known partnered and solo moves, will play with different tempos and styles, work on musicality and improvisation. The curriculum is tailored to the needs of the participants.

Here you are encouraged to give some (polite) feedback to your partners, share your experience, and ask a lot of questions. We expect the students to like technical details and repeat the move until it is done properly.

Other swing dances


Balboa is a very elegant dance that originated in the 1930s. You can dance it to very fast music without getting sweaty and use a minimal dance floor. We divide classes into three levels: absolute beginners, improvers (3-9 months of experience in that dance style) and Intermediate level (more than 1 year of classes or 9 months if combined with intense practice).



Collegiate Shag

Collegiate Shag was danced in  American colleges in the 1930-40s. Danced to a fast tempo (up to 320 bpm), it is still very playful and light.

We divide classes into three levels: beginners, improvers (3-9 months of experience in that dance style), and intermediate level (more than 1 year of classes or 9 months if combined with intense practice).

Solo Jazz

We offer so called authentic solo jazz classes, which means that we are trying to respect the jazz roots and get inspiration from the jazz club’s dancing back in the days. Classes combine learning new moves, improvisation, body awareness, and musicality. Levels: beginners (0-3 months of experience), improvers (3-9 months of experience in solo jazz) and intermediate levels (for dancers with solo jazz experience 9-12 months and more).

Drop-in lessons are possible (just buy a drop-in ticket in our Shop).


Tap Dance

Our tap teacher Roosmarijn graduated as a dance teacher at Codarts in Rotterdam. To specialize more in tap dance, she also took lessons from various international teachers at tap festivals in Stockholm, Dubrovnik, Barcelona, and New York City.

Levels: beginners (0-3 months of experience), improvers (3-9 months of experience) and intermediate level (for dancers with 9-12 months of tap experience and more).